
——破嘴合唱团Smash Mouth

· 主唱Steve Harwel
· 鼓手Kevin Coleman
· 贝斯手Paul De Lisle
· 吉他手Greg Camp

94年成军于加州圣荷西的Smash Mouth(破嘴合唱团)是支发扬庞克乐精神并发誓创造出最快乐的摇滚乐的队伍,团名的灵感来自于美式足球联盟NFL传奇巨星Mike Ditka形容一种强调夺球本能的运动——Smash Mouth Football。主唱Steve Harwell爱听猫王、乡村乐及Hip-Hop,鼓手Kevin Coleman则从Speed metal、Ramones、Dead Kennedys一路听到Sublime,贝斯手Paul De Lisle迷的是披头四风格的摇滚乐、庞克摇滚,或是Van Halen、Kiss、Aerosmith、B-52’s的音乐,吉他手Greg Camp则听尽60年代名不见经传的车库摇滚团或冲浪摇滚团的作品,再加上The Clash及U2。Steve与Kevin源自街头庞克族的活力,撞上Greg、Paul这对音乐玩家,一种精炖烘培伽州摇滚佳肴于焉出炉,散发着hip-hop、拉丁、雷鬼、庞克、冲浪摇滚、ska、流行等不同佐料的风味,最重要的是,Smash Mouth找回了玩摇滚与听摇滚最基本的乐趣。

Smash Mouth(破嘴合唱团)在圣荷西跑了两年场子表演后,因《Nervous In The Alley》获得当地最具影响力的摇滚电台KOME的强力放送,跃身成为该电台创台以来首度破例播放无约乐团,消息一传开,接下来就赢得环球音乐旗下Interscope唱片公司的一纸合约,并于97年发行首张专辑《Fush Yu Mang》,专辑发行后即踏上巡回演唱行程,与Blur、Sugar Ray、Third Eye Blind同台切磋,辑中首支单曲《Walkin’ On The Sun》漂亮出击,抢先蝉连Billboard现代摇榜5周冠军,接续的《Why Can’t We Be Friends》则攻进现代摇滚榜TOP 10,专辑闯进流行专辑榜TOP 20且缔造双白金销售记录。

快活摇滚团——Smash Mouth破嘴合唱团荣获2000年葛莱美奖最佳流行重唱奖。

Smash Mouth - Walking on the Sun

It ain’t no joke
I’d like to buy the world a toke
And teach the world to sing in perfect harmony
And teach the world to snuff the fires and the liars
Hey I know it’s just a song but it’s spice for the recipe
This is a love attack
I know it went out but it’s back
It’s just like any fad retracts before impact
And just like fashion it’s a passion for the with it and hip
If ya got the goods, they’ll come and buy it just to stay in the clique

So don’t delay, act now, supplies are running out
Allow, if you’re still alive, six to eight years to arive
And if you follow, there may be a tomorrow
But if the offer is shun you might as well be walkin’ on the sun

Twenty-five years ago, they spoke out and they broke out
Of depression and opression and together they toked
And they folked out with guitars around a bon fire
Just singin’ and clappin’, man what the hell happened
Some were spell-bound, some were hell-bound
Some they fell down and some got back up
And fought against the melt-down
And their kids were hippie chicks, and hypocrites
Because fashion is smashin’ the true meaning of it


It ain’t no joke when mama’s handkerchief is soaked
With her tears because her baby’s life has been revoked
The bond is broke up so choke up and focus on the close up
Mr. Wizzard can’t perform no god-like hocus pocus
So don’t sit back, kick back, and watch the world get bushwhacked
News at 10:00 your neighborhood is under attack
Put away the crack before the crack puts you away
You need to be there when your babies are old enough to relate


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